by Simon Moran | Mar 25, 2020 | Business, English Schools
Leaving Cairns we headed a little further north and stayed at Port Douglas, then turned around and headed back down south, stopping off at beaches and flying kites, before arriving back in Sydney, and my old job at the CB Hotel. So much for the Never Again...
by Simon Moran | Feb 24, 2020 | Business
After the non-appearance of the A and R man at the Dog and Parrot and the decision not to swap one air-conditioned office for another, I saved as much money as I could from my temporary job as a data input clerk, a position also known at the time as a Man or Woman...
by Simon Moran | Nov 18, 2019 | Business
We’ve talked previously about self-organised learning environments (SOLEs). In future posts we’ll also discuss self-organised working environments (SOWEs). Being in a band, without me knowing it, involved me in both. As previously discussed in the blog, a school...
by Simon Moran | Oct 7, 2019 | Business
I come from the northeast of England and went to school there until 1985. Many readers of this blog will have gone to school elsewhere, and will be much younger than I am. I’m 52 at the time of writing. I’ve developed a lot since I left school, so has institutional...
by Simon Moran | Jun 3, 2019 | English Schools
We’re not quite getting started on the systems just yet. First comes your mission, vision and values statement. This may well be one of the hardest things you’ve done. I certainly found it very difficult. A few years ago we restructured to form a parent company which...