October saw us in Frankfurt, for the Book Fair, promoting our materials, working with friends and making new ones. It’s always a fun time, but the spaces in the aisles hint at changes in the distribution of print.
From there we flew home, and still get excited as the plane from Amsterdam heads out to sea and does a big left turn around Saint Mary’s Island, where I used to fish as a child.
The old and familiar are still there where I grew up, but I ripped part of it down, and built a new garden shed.
Change is the only constant. The new replaces the old.
We will be making some other announcements of this kind soon.
I visited Scotland and the Edinburgh school we have a share in.
A British Council accredited school, it has very strict safeguarding rules.
In fact, I learned on several short journeys, a UK taxi driver has to go through a more thorough background check than a teacher of children in Japan. It’s an off-kilter, odd world.
I also met family, lots of old school friends and my old bandmates.
Oh, what could have been.
In an oddity of travel and placement, we then flew home again.
Next week we begin the series What I Learned About Business from Being in a Band.