Training can be a huge headache for small schools. It is great if the teacher you have just recruited has several years’ classroom experience and a TEFL certificate of some kind, though be sure to check they are actually familiar with everything their course or previous training covered. They should also know their grammar, and to be able to explain it in use, very simply. If they can do all that, half the battle is won. Check they can plan the different types of lesson your school offers to different ages and student types.

Over the years we have developed our own training manuals and approach. We do training sessions and observed practice. We give trainees feedback and areas to work on going forward. They will then be observed again at regular intervals. We follow up with feedback from students and the teacher. Training, or rather professional development, is an ongoing process. All teachers should also be learners, and reflective practice should be encouraged to get teachers to continue to learn and train themselves.

Regular meetings are essential, as is an employees’ suggestion box of sorts. It’s also a good idea to close the school and get all the staff together. Bring in an outside speaker or trainer to freshen things up and get the ideas flowing.

There is a lot of advice on this site, and we’ve also had luck recruiting from there:

Next time: managing teachers and staff.